Emptied to be Filled

Frank was a pastor for eight years before Father opened his eyes to the glories of the New Covenant and what Jesus actually secured for us on the cross. At that point the emphasis of Frank's ministry took a dramatic turn. In Frank's own words, "I used to minister knowledge, now I seek to minister life!"

That is what Jesus is all about--bringing life to mankind, not just when we get to heaven in the sweet bye and bye, but right now as we walk this earth, we as mankind can have and experience the "Zoe life" of God, life as God lives it, right now, flowing in and through us by faith.

It is with this goal in mind that Living in Grace was born, bringing to the world the good news of not only what Jesus did and is going to do, but of what Jesus can do right now through every human being who puts his faith in Him.





How did Jesus live?